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Case report
Disseminated aspergillosis causing intestinal failure following colectomy for perforated colitis
  1. Kevin McElvanna1,
  2. Maurice B Loughrey2,
  3. Scott Gillespie3,
  4. Keith R Gardiner1
  1. 1Department of Colorectal Surgery & Intestinal Failure, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, UK
  2. 2Department of Histopathology, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast Trust, Belfast, UK
  3. 3Department of Radiology, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, UK
  1. Correspondence to Kevin McElvanna, Colorectal Surgery & Intestinal Failure, Royal Victoria Hospital, 274 Grosvenor Road, Belfast BT12 6BA, UK; kevinmcelvanna{at}


Disseminated aspergillosis is a rare, invasive, opportunistic, fungal infection associated with a high mortality. We report a non-fatal case diagnosed following extensive enterectomy for intestinal infarction in a patient recovering from emergency abdominal colectomy for perforated ulcerative colitis. This resulted in intestinal failure necessitating life-long parenteral nutrition and prolonged antifungal therapy.

  • Intestinal Failure
  • Peritonitis
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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