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Case report
Collagenous panenteritis: a rare cause of chronic diarrhoea


Collagenous panenteritis is a rare inflammatory condition that causes profound diarrhoea and weight loss. There has only been a handful of cases reported in the literature. We report this rare case and the diagnostic difficulties encountered in securing the diagnosis. A 59-year-old woman presented with an 8-month history of diarrhoea and weight loss on a background of a family history of coeliac disease. Her presentation was complicated with acute kidney injury secondary to prerenal losses. Repeated gastroscopies and colonoscopies along with biopsies were inconclusive. It was not until histology of biopsies taken at endoscopies were reviewed that a diagnosis of collagenous panenteritis was secured. Her management revolved around combination of budesonide, gluten-free diet and antidiarrhoeals, which has achieved clinical remission.


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