Table 1

Guidance for biopsy practice used in endoscopy departments in the Leeds area

OesophagusDiagnosis and surveillance of Barrett's (4 biopsies every 2 cm)Normal oesophagus
Any focal lesion or ulceration
When the clinical and endoscopic data suggest eosinophilic oesophagitis
Reflux oesophagitis unless ulceration
Ultrashort segment Barrett's
StomachAny focal lesionNormal stomach
Unusual appearance or high suspicion of dysplasia/malignancy
(when suspecting malignancy take 8 biopsies from the lesion, avoiding the ulcer base)
Diffuse ‘gastritis’—use CLO test to determine Helicobacter pylori status
DuodenumDiagnose/exclude coeliac disease when clinically indicated
(≥3 biopsies in 1 cassette)
‘Duodenitis’ at endoscopy
ColorectalNormal colonoscopy in patients with persistent watery diarrhoea (send 2 cassettes—3 biopsies from right side and 3 from left side)Other normal colonoscopy
Any polyp/other focal lesionIleal biopsy to demonstrate that the ileum has been reached
Patient with known or genuinely suspected IBDRandom rectal biopsy for rectal bleeding.