InvestigationsPotential resultsClinical management plan: abnormal results
Check haemoglobin, RBC indices and platelets
Check clotting and haematinics if heavy bleeding has occurred
AbnormalFollow treatment for abnormal blood results (pages 2–3).
Flexible sigmoidoscopyRadiation proctopathy with bleeding from telangiectasia
  1. Do not biopsy irradiated areas.

  2. Optimise bowel function and stool consistency.

  3. If bleeding is not affecting quality of life, reassure.

  4. If bleeding affects quality of life, stop/reduce anti-coagulants if possible and consider sucralfate enemas (page 19).

  5. Discuss referral to a specialist centre for treatment to ablate telangiectasia (pages 18–19):

    • a. hyperbaric oxygen therapy

    • b. intra-rectal formalin

    • b. thermal therapy, eg, APC

  6. Consider referral to a specialist centre for experimental therapy within the context of a clinical trial: thalidomide, vitamin A, tranexamic acid, RFA.

Haemorrhoidal bleedingIf not affecting quality of life, reassure.
Consider local treatment of haemorrhoids (diet, topical creams).
Consider surgical referral for 3rd degree haemorrhoids.
Primary inflammatory bowel diseaseSend stool culture. If mild or moderate, refer within 2 weeks to a gastroenterologist.
If severe, this is an emergency—discuss immediately with a gastroenterologist.
Diverticular bleedingThis is an emergency
Discuss immediately with a GI surgeon
Viral infection (eg, CMV)This is an emergency
Discuss immediately with a gastroenterologist.
Newly diagnosed neoplasia second primary/tumour recurrence/advanced polypRefer urgently to the appropriate oncology team requesting an appointment within 2 weeks.
If all tests are negative, but symptoms persist
  1. Consider colonoscopy.

  2. Optimise bowel function and stool consistency.

  3. Reassure and request GP to check Hb as clinically indicated.

  • APC, argon plasma coagulation; CMV, cytomegalovirus; GI, gastrointestinal; GP, general practitioner; RBC, red blood cell; RFA, radiofrequency ablation.