Table 4

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) standards for the care of children and young people

1Initial investigation and treatment should be in a paediatric gastroenterology service (part of a paediatric gastroenterology clinical network)
2For physically and emotionally mature patients without psychological or educational problems investigations may be undertaken locally with shared care between an adult gastroenterologist and a paediatrician with an interest in gastroenterology
3Standards for staffing and facilities must be met as outlined in the National Service Framework for Children and Young People in England—that is, for a catchment of 2 million people
 children's wards and children's nurses
 Endoscopy in a fully child-friendly unit
 Accredited paediatric anaesthetists
 Appropriately trained radiology staff
 Surgeons with an expertise in paediatric IBD
 An experienced dietician and paediatric nurse specialist
 Paediatric psychology and endocrinology support
4Endoscopy should be performed by endoscopists with training and/or extensive experience in endoscopy and ileocolonoscopy in children
5Information and support must be available to parents and siblings
6There must be a defined policy and protocol for transitional care with a named coordinator overseeing this (eg, IBD nurse specialist)