Table 4

Investigation and management of anorexia

InvestigationsPotential resultsClinical management plan
Actions from history, medication and dietary assessment
History findingsWeight loss/sweats/fatigueRoutine and additional blood tests.
CT chest, abdomen, pelvis.
Refer for dietetic advice.
Depression, sadness, anxietyRefer for psychological support.
Underlying eating disorderRefer for psychiatric assessment.
Pre-existing comorbidities, eg,
  • Cardiac failure

  • COPD

  • Chronic kidney disease

  • Chronic liver disease

Refer for dietetic advice and appropriate GP/specialist advice to optimise these conditions.
ConstipationSee management of constipation (p. 26).
Medication findingsAntibiotics, eg, cotrimoxazole, metronidazole, chemotherapy, eg, cytarabine, hydroxyurea, opioids, metformin, NSAIDDiscuss possible alternative medications and adequate antiemetics while on treatment.
First line
Routine and additional blood testsInfectionTreat with antibiotics within level of confidence or discuss with microbiologist/supervising clinician within 24 hours.
Endocrine dysfunctionRefer the patient to the GP or endocrinology team for further management.
Other abnormalitiesFollow treatment for abnormal blood results (p. 2).
Second line
OGD and SI aspirate (p. 25)Inflammation (acid/bile)See management of acid or bile related inflammation (p. 25).
Gastric dysmotilityConsider prokinetic medication (p. 26).
± pyloric dilatation.
SIBOManagement of SIBO (p. 27).
Malignancy/tumour recurrenceDiscuss and refer urgently to the appropriate cancer MDT requesting an appointment within 2 weeks.
Refer for dietetic advice.
Glucose hydrogen methane breath testSIBOManagement of SIBO (p. 27).
CT/MRI/PETMalignancy/tumour recurrenceDiscuss and refer urgently to the appropriate cancer MDT requesting an appointment within 2 weeks.
Refer for dietetic advice.
InfectionTreat with antibiotics within level of confidence or discuss with a microbiologist and supervising clinician immediately.
Small bowel obstructionIf acute, this is an emergency. Discuss immediately with a GI surgeon. If subacute/chronic discuss immediately with supervising clinician.
Third line
If normal investigations/no response to interventionReassure.
  • CT, computerised tomography; GI, gastrointestinal; GP, general practitioner; MDT, multidisciplinary team; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; OGD, upper GI endoscopy (oesophago-gastroduodenoscopy); MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PET, positron emission tomography; SI, small intestine; SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.