Table 1

Likert ratings for items that describe the aim of the inflammatory bowel disease multidisciplinary team—10 items were incorporated into the Delphi and consensus for inclusion (Likert ranking >3; IQR ≤1) was obtained for nine items (shaded blue and green). Seven items achieved consensus and ranked as ‘very important’ (shaded blue), two items achieved consensus and ranked as ‘important’ (shaded green)

Likert rating
(median; IQR)
Items identified from stage 1—semistructured interviews28 Advance patient care.5; 5–5
Provide multidisciplinary team input for the patient care plan.5; 5–5
Provide shared experience and expertise.5; 5–5
Improve patient outcome.5; 5–5
Deliver the best possible care for the patient5; 5–5
Obtain consensus on management for a patient with IBD.5; 4–5
Provide a basis of support and shared decision making.5; 4–5
Reduce emergency surgical procedures.4; 3–4
Provide a forum for research and education.4; 3–4
Provide a safety net so patients are not missed.3; 3–4