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On the path to detecting significant liver disease
  1. Rohit Gupta1,
  2. James O'Beirne1,2
  1. 1 Hepatology, Sunshine Coast University Hospital, Birtinya, Queensland, Australia
  2. 2 Sunshine Coast Health Institute, University of the Sunshine Coast, Maroochydore DC, Queensland, Australia
  1. Correspondence to Professor James O'Beirne, Hepatology, Sunshine Coast University Hospital, Birtinya, QLD 4575, Australia; james.obeirne{at}

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The rising prevalence of alcohol-related liver disease (ARLD) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) presents a challenge to gastroenterology and hepatology departments. Traditional referral practices from primary care based on raised liver function tests alone can lead to a significant number of referrals of patients without significant liver disease, leading to overdiagnosis and adding to pressure on outpatient services and associated increased costs.1 Moreover, such referral practices may fail to identify patients with serious liver disease, as it is well known that advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis can be associated with normal liver function tests.

In Frontline Gastroenterology, Chalmers et al present findings from a commissioned referral pathway designed to focus on risk factors for NAFLD or ARLD rather than abnormal liver enzymes alone.2 Under the pathway, general practitioners (GPs) were encouraged to identify patients at risk of significant liver disease and to refer these patients for assessment with transient elastography (TE). Patients with a TE reading suggesting significant liver fibrosis (TE >8 kPA) were recommended to be referred for assessment in secondary care, whereas those with lower readings underwent a brief intervention regarding lifestyle by a dedicated nurse in …

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  • Contributors JOB conceived the article; RG drafted the article; and both authors approved the final version. JOB is the guarantor of the article.

  • Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.

  • Competing interests None declared.

  • Patient consent for publication Not required.

  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.

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