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Severe alcohol-related liver disease admissions post-COVID-19 lockdown: canary in the coal mine?

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  • ZC and SK are joint first authors.

  • Contributors ZC and SK: draft, data analysis and editing of the manuscript. NH, AB and DLS: critical review of manuscript. RW and KA: concept development and critical review of manuscript.

  • Competing interests SK, ZC, NH, AB and RW have no competing interests to declare. DLS has grant funding from Norgine. She provides consultancy/speaker bureau for Norgine, Alfa Sigma, Kaleido Biosciences, Shionogi, Falk Pharma and Mallinckrodt. KA has grant funding from Abbott, Gilead and MSD. He provides consultancy/speaker bureau for Assembly, Aligos, Arbutus, Gilead, Immunocore, Janssen, Roche, Sobi, Shionoigi, Vir.

  • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; internally peer reviewed.