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Oesophageal stenting for benign and malignant strictures: a systematic approach
  1. Fahd Rana,
  2. Anjan Dhar
  1. Department of Gastroenterology, County Durham & Darlington NHS Foundation Trust, Darlington, Co. Durham, UK
  1. Correspondence to Dr Anjan Dhar, Department of Gastroenterology, Durham University & County Durham & Darlington NHS Foundation Trust, Cockton Hill Road, Co. Durham DL14 6AD, UK; anjan.dhar{at}


Oesophageal stenting is now standard treatment for managing both benign and malignant stenosis of the oesophagus. There is a wide choice in oesophageal stents currently available on the market, with variations in the stent material, size and design. Most oesophageal stents are made from metal alloy compounds for use in malignant strictures, although there are stents made of durable polymers, and now of biodegradable (BD) material, for use in both benign and malignant strictures. With the development of self-expanding plastic stents, self-expanding metal stents and BD stents, stent placement for oesophageal pathologies can be safe and cost-effective. Oesophageal stenting has several challenges for a therapeutic endoscopist which is determined by the location of stricture or tumour, the anatomy of the stenosis and the nature of stent selected. Strictures that have narrow or tortuous lumens can be particularly difficult to stent as the luminal diameter must allow access of at least a 0.035 inch guide wire. This review covers the indications and outcomes of different stents in clinical situations to help rational decision-making.


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