Table 14

Investigation and management of high dysphagia

InvestigationsPotential resultsClinical management plan
Actions from history, medication and dietary assessment
History findingsDysphagia presentRefer for dietetic support.
Refer for SLT assessment.
Neurological findingsRefer to neurology.
Medication findings
  • Bisphosphonates


  • Potassium supplements

  • Tetracyclines

  • Theophyllines

Discuss possible alternative medications.
First line
Contrast swallow/fluoroscopyFistula with aspirationThis is an emergency. Discuss with thoracic surgery
Stricture, if <6 months after upper GI surgeryOGD±dilatation (p. 25).
Consider treatment for acid/bile reflux (p. 25).
Stricture, if after radiotherapy or >6 months after upper GI surgeryOGD with careful biopsy and consider treatment for acid/bile reflux (p. 25).
CT±PET scan.
Then review in MDT before any further treatment/stent/dilatation (p. 25).
Malignancy/tumour recurrenceRefer to appropriate MDT requesting an appointment within 2 weeks.
See management of acid or bile related inflammation (p. 25).
Pharyngeal dysfunctionSLT assessment.
Local infection (viral/fungal)Treat infection appropriately.
Second line
OGD under GA
(no endoscopic intervention until discussed at the MDT)
See management of acid or bile related inflammation (p. 25).
Malignancy/tumour recurrenceRefer to appropriate MDT requesting an appointment within 2 weeks.
Vocal cord palsyCT scan and refer to cancer MDT within 2 weeks.
Referral to SLT.
CT chestMalignancy/tumour recurrenceRefer to appropriate MDT requesting an appointment within 2 weeks.
Third line
Referral to ENTHead and neck pathologyENT team management.
Fourth line
If normal investigations/no response to interventionReassure.
  • CT, computerised tomography; ENT, ear, nose and throat; GI, gastrointestinal; MDT, multidisciplinary team; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; OGD, upper GI endoscopy (oesophago-gastroduodenoscopy); PET, positron emission tomography; SLT, speech and language therapy.