Table 3

Adjusted percentage of negative experience

Question numberSynoptic form of questionAdjusted percentage of patients endorsing a negative experienceAbsolute difference across routes (max adjusted %−min adjusted %)
Emergency presentationElective referralTwo-Week-Wait referralScreening detection
 15Written info on cancer diagnosis45.427.422.714.231.2
 30Staff explained operation—before29.815.414.98.421.4
 20Given name of specialist nurse19.810.
 13Told diagnosis sensitively21.817.812.79.312.5
 35Confidence in hospital doctor19.713.112.88.511.2
 43Thought info withheld19.414.
 49Written info at discharge27.620.720.317.510.1
 32Staff explained operation—after30.322.321.419.510.8
 19Shared decision-making31.227.624.421.69.6
 40Confidence in ward nurse39.840.035.930.99.1
 18Written info about treatment side effects15.314.211.811.14.2
 63Information given to general practitioner7.
 51Self-management info post-discharge family/others45.542.441.836.98.6
 65Cancer care integration40.240.436.032.38.1
 64General practice staff support29.931.926.031.05.9
 60Waiting time as outpatient31.531.
 21Ease of contacting specialist nurse19.822.822.020.12.7
 58Emotional support as outpatient26.726.725.324.81.9
  • Bold/Italic fonts in the last column denote p≤0.02 for variation across all (four) routes (see also footnote of table 2).

  • In columns 3-6, underlined values denote the route associated with the worse experience and values in bold fonts the route associated with best experience.