Question number* | Synoptic form of question | Exact question wording |
13 | Told diagnosis sensitively | How do you feel about the way you were told you had cancer? |
15 | Written info on cancer diagnosis | When you were told you had cancer, were you given written information about the type of cancer you had? |
18 | Written info about treatment side-effects | Before you started your treatment, were you given written information about the side effects of treatment(s)? |
19 | Shared decision-making | Were you involved as much as you wanted to be in decisions about which treatment(s) you would have? |
20 | Given name of specialist nurse | Were you given the name of a clinical nurse specialist who would be in charge of your care? |
21 | Ease of contacting specialist nurse | How easy was it for you to contact your clinical nurse specialist? |
30 | Staff explained operation—before | Before you had your operation, did a member of staff explain what would be done during the operation? |
32 | Staff explained operation—after | After the operation, did a member of staff explain how it had gone in a way you could understand? |
35 | Confidence in hospital doctor | Did you have confidence and trust in the doctors treating you? |
40 | Confidence in ward nurse | Did you have confidence and trust in the ward nurses treating you? |
43 | Thought info withheld | While you were in hospital did you ever think that the doctors or nurses were deliberately not telling you certain things that you wanted to know? |
49 | Written info at discharge | Were you given clear written information about what you should or should not do after leaving hospital? |
51 | Self-management info post-discharge | Did the doctors or nurses give your family or someone close to you all the information they needed to help care for you at home? |
58 | Emotional support as out-patient | While you were being treated as an outpatient or day case, were you given enough emotional support from hospital staff? |
60 | Waiting time as out-patient | The last time you had an out-patient appointment with a cancer doctor at one of the hospitals named in the covering letter, how long after the stated appointment time did the appointment start? |
63 | Adequate info given to GP | As far as you know, was your GP given enough information about your condition and the treatment you had at the hospital? |
64 | General practice staff support | Do you think the GPs and nurses at your general practice did everything they could to support you while you were having cancer treatment? |
65 | Cancer care integration | Did the different people treating and caring for you (such as GP, hospital doctors, hospital nurses, specialist nurses, community nurses) work well together to give you the best possible care? |
*Cancer Patient Experience Survey (2010).
GP, general practitioner