Table 1

Timeline of JAG achievements and corresponding drivers

YearJAG milestoneDriver(s)
1994JAG established.
1999First JAG position statement: ‘Recommendations for training in GI endoscopy’.
2002First JAG committee meeting.
2003Development of endoscopy modernisation England – NHS endoscopy toolkit.DoH support
2004GRS piloted – part of NEP, aligned with JAG.DoH support
Guidelines for training, appraisal and assessment of trainees in GI endoscopy and for the Assessment of units for Registration and Re-Registration’.
Endoscopy curriculum.
DOPS in formative and summative assessment.
NCEPOD ‘Scoping Our Practice’
1st National Colonoscopy Audit
Early preparation for JAG QA visits.DoH support
2005National endoscopy training programme established.DoH support, SACs
Endoscopy GRS handover to JAG to underpin accreditation.
Bowel Cancer Screening Programme (BCSP).
2006Endoscopy service accreditation commenced to coincide with BCSP.
2007BSG Quality and Safety Indicators for Endoscopy document released.
2008Gastrointestinal Endoscopy for Nurses programme commenced.NEP
2009Formal handover of NEP work and all outputs to JAG.
Release of JETS e-Portfolio.
National Nurse Endoscopist project linked to training centres.DoH support
GRS introduced for private providers.
2011JAG GRS released for use in New Zealand and Ireland.
Electronic e-certification (diagnostic upper GI endoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy).2nd National Colonoscopy Audit,
Full BCSP Roll-out.
First DOPyS.
2013National Endoscopy Database project started.
JAG formally take on administration and governance of BCSP accreditation from Public Health England.
Best Practice Tariff for JAG-accredited units.DoH support
BCSP Bowel Scope accreditation started.
2016Updated Global Rating Scale census and JAG accreditation standards released.
Updated DOPS forms and trainee certification criteria released.
2017JAG Research Group formed.
  • BCSP, Bowel Cancer Screening Programme; BSG, British Society of Gastroenterology; DoH, Department of Health; DOPS, direct observation of procedural skills; DOPyS, direct observation of polypectomy skills; GRS, Global Rating Scale; JAG, Joint Advisory Group on Gastrointestinal Endoscopy; JETS, JAG Endoscopy Training System; QA, quality assurance; NCEPOD, National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death; NEP, National Endoscopy Programme; SAC, Specialist Advisory Committee.