Table 1

Curriculum competencies20

Specialty Training Curriculum for Gastroenterology 2010 (Amendments 2013)
  1. Core competencies

    1. Intestinal disorders

Knows the complications of IBD including stricturing, fistulae, extraintestinal manifestations.
Able to recognise potential complications and take appropriate action to investigate and alter treatment as necessary including referral for surgery and involvement of other healthcare professionals.
  1. Core competencies

    1. Hepatology

Aware of management and complications of autoimmune liver disease including extrahepatic manifestations and associations including malignant complications in PSC.
Recognises the importance but also difficulty in diagnosing heavy metal-associated liver disease; has an understanding of the variants of both conditions.
  1. Advanced specialist areas

    1. Advanced nutrition

Recognises vitamin and mineral deficiencies and conditions in which they are likely to occur (eg, vitamin A deficiency with severe steatorrhoea) and be able to give appropriate treatment.
  • IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; PSC, primary sclerosing cholangitis.