Table 2

Clinical management changes within 6 months of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) tests

Number of TDM measurements672
Number of patients238
IFX trough level (μg/ml)3.4 (5.4)
Positive antibodies, n (%)118 (17.6)
Undetectable levels, n (%)154 (22.9)
TDM indication n (%)
 Primary non-response3 (0.4)
 Secondary loss of response180 (26.8)
 Reaction to IFX9 (1.3)
 Routine testing469 (69.8)
 Consideration of de-escalation11 (1.6)
Post TDM management n (%)
 Dose escalation58 (8.6)
 Switch to different anti-TNF40 (6.0)
 Switch to non anti-TNF biologic12 (1.8)
 Add thiopurine10 (1.5)
 Stop biologics17 (2.5)
 Treatment de-escalation9 (1.3)
 No action526 (78.3)
Remission at 6 months411 (61.3)
  • All values represent median (IQR) unless otherwise indicated. Time and duration is expressed in months.