Table 2

Action taken following identification of latent safety threats and results of repeat simulation

Action taken following identification of latent safety threatsRepeat simulation following action
Laminated ALS algorithms on resuscitation trolleys (trust-wide)Algorithm used by permanent team members and those exposed to simulation programme previously
Major haemorrhage protocol training at junior doctor induction/teaching and dedicated acute medical management training days for non-training doctors (trust wide)Major haemorrhage protocol activated more efficiently
Gastrointestinal bleed simulation for foundation doctors (emphasis on major haemorrhage protocol)Major haemorrhage protocol activated more efficiently
Laminated major haemorrhage protocol on resuscitation trolleys (trust-wide)Major haemorrhage protocol activated more efficiently
Multiprofessional team members reminded of uniform policy and asked to wear easily located name badges at all times and asked to introduce themselves at the morning board round (local)Improved closed loop communication during repeat simulation
Sourcing relevant equipment undertaken by ward management (local)Improvement in equipment shortages
  • ALS, advanced life support.