Table 1

Participant demographics for DFGC and traditional MoC, reported as means±SD (range) unless otherwise specified

Traditional medical model
P value
Age, years30.9±7.7 (18–49)31.7±9.2 (18–50)0.52
Women, n (%)89 (73.0)49 (79.0)0.37
Men, n (%)33 (27.0)13 (21.0)
 Smoking status
 Current smokers, n (%)31 (23.2)17 (27.4)0.97
 Ex-smokers, n (%)22 (18.0)6 (9.7)
 Non-smokers, n (%)69 (56.6)38 (61.3)
 Missing data, n (%)0 (0)1 (1.6)
Weight, kg79.0±21.4 (42–205)81.3.0±21.7 (45–165)0.5
BMI, kg/m2 27.4±7.0 (17–70)29.3±7.3 (18–54)0.12
 Underweight,<18.5, n (%)3 (2.5)1 (1.6)
 Healthy weight, 18.5–24.99, n (%)47 (38.5)9 (14.5)
 Overweight 25–29.99, n (%)38 (31.1)21 (33.9)
 Obese, >30, n (%)33 (27.0)16 (14.8)
 Missing data n (%)1 (0.8)15 (13.9)
Referral reason based on GP letter,* n (%)
 Abdominal pain62 (50.8)35 (56.5)0.35
 Altered bowel habit8 (6.6)2 (3.2)0.53
 Constipation19 (15.6)20 (32.3)0.01
 Diarrhoea44 (36.1)29 (46.8)0.03
 Dyspepsia/Heartburn/Reflux21 (17.2)5 (8.1)0.13
 Nausea11 (9.0)9 (14.5)0.54
 Bloating31 (25.4)15 (24.2)0.71
Anxiety/Depression, n (%)
 Nil reported/Nil diagnosis64 (52.5)42 (67.7)0.12
 Medically diagnosed45 (36.9)18 (29.0)
 Self-reported13 (10.7)2 (3.2)
  • *Some patients had more than one presenting complaint; hence referral reasons total is greater than >100%.

  • BMI, body mass index; DFGC, dietitian-first gastroenterology clinic; MoC, model of care.