Table 2

Number of patients re-referred for similar complaints in the DFGC vs the traditional MoC, within 12, 18 and 24 months after discharge

Re-referral periodDFGC
Traditional model
95% CIP value
Re-referrals at 12 months
n (%)
1 (0.82)1 (1.61)0.510.03 to 8.330.64
Re-referrals at 18 months
n (%)
3 (2.46)4 (6.45)0.370.07 to 1.680.20
Re-referrals at 24 months
n (%)
6 (4.91)5 (8.06)0.550.16 to 1.190.33
  • DFGC, dietitian-first gastroenterology clinic; MoC, model of care.