Table 1

Coeliac Disease Adherence Test22

Have you been bothered by low energy level during the past 4 weeks?None of the timeA little of the timeSome of the timeMost of the timeAll of the time
Have you been bothered by headaches during the past 4 weeks?None of the timeA little of the timeSome of the timeMost of the timeAll of the time
I am able to follow a gluten-free diet when dining outside my homeStrongly agreeSomewhat agreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat disagreeStrongly disagree
Before I do something I carefully consider the consequencesStrongly agreeSomewhat agreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat disagreeStrongly disagree
I do not consider myself a failureStrongly agreeSomewhat agreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat disagreeStrongly disagree
How important to your health are accidental gluten exposures?Very importantSomewhat importantNeutral/unsureA little importantNot at all important
Over the past 4 weeks, how many times have you eaten foods containing gluten on purpose?0–never1–23–56–10>10
  • The sum of the numeric values provide a score ranging from 7 to 35; lower scores reflect better adherence to a GFD.