Table 1

Areas that require assessment and management in patients with unresectable pancreatic cancer: a toolbox

Key areaAssessmentManagement
DiagnosisAdequate imaging (triple-phase pancreatic CT) and review in MDT.
Tissue sampling usually by EUS
Firm histological diagnosis made sufficient to allow systemic chemotherapy
PainPain scores
Pain ladder
Optimisation of analgesia
Use of adjuncts
Coeliac plexus neurolysis
Biliary obstructionLiver function tests and imaging showing dilated bile ductsPredominantly ERCP and stent insertion
PTC and stent insertion
EUS-guided biliary drainage
GOOGOO symptoms score
Imaging showing dilated stomach
Surgical gastrojejunostomy in patients with good prognosis
Duodenal stent insertion
Evolving role of EUS-guided gastrojejunostomy
Pancreatic exocrine insufficiencyLocation of tumour increases risk (Head>body> tail)
Faecal elastase level in selected cases
Treatment with pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy in the high risk
Dietitian assessment
Diabetes/glycaemic controlCapillary glucose
Dietitian assessment
Early involvement of the diabetes team
Venous thromboembolic eventsHigh index of suspicion
Low threshold for treatment
Use of low molecular weight heparin when thromboembolism detected
Mental healthOpen discussion
Specialist nurse assessment
Review by cancer nurse specialist
Early involvement of community palliative care team
Consider treatment of depression/anxiety when detected
  • ERCP, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography; EUS, endoscopic ultrasound; GOO, gastric outlet obstruction; HbA1a, Haemoglobin A1c; MDT, Multidisciplinary team meeting; PTC, Percutaneous Transhepatic cholangiography.